Power, roads, digital connectivity. A modern society needs modern infrastructure. Power and roads are the bloodline of a modern economy. Digital connectivity is the key to access the new world. Our government should create “hard and soft” infrastructure that will encourage private investors to produce goods and services to sell within the state, the country and all over the world.

Electricity is central to modern economy. Bin Bijlee Sab Soona. Continuous and abundant supply of electricity is a must. Our farmers’ livelihood depends on regular electricity supply for farming needs. Small businesses depend on electricity. A mother needs electricity supply for household chores. A child needs electricity to study. Given the lack of bankable power supply, many sub-optimal solutions such as inverters have come up but poor families cannot afford them. We must peg uninterrupted power supply as the number one priority and commit to round-the-clock availability of power by 2022, the 75th anniversary of independence.

To put special emphasis on power generation, we will institute a special “Power Budget” outside the state government’s budget. It will allow medium to long term resource allocations and better monitoring of power generation and supply. To promote use of solar energy, the government must aggregate all the rooftops over government-owned properties – offices, industries, schools, hospitals and establishments – and seek the best rates for solar power from private bidders though online auctions.